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Our networks

VLK Pride
The mission of the VLK Pride community is to support and advocate for LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace. We consist of LGBTQ+ colleagues and allies and celebrate diversity, aim to raise awareness, and encourage dialogue on LGBTQ+ topics. Throughout the year, we organise various events, workshops and projects to achieve these goals. We work closely with Workplace Pride, an international organisation that promotes LGBTQ+ inclusion in the corporate world. We, as Van Lanschot Kempen, have also signed the Declaration of Amsterdam, a statement of support for LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workforce. This declaration is proudly displayed in our Amsterdam office. Our aim is to create an inclusive environment where our LGBTQ+ colleagues can fully be  and thrive.

VLK Women
The VLK Women network is open to everyone who works at our organization. VLK Women is dedicated to fostering a community that respects and supports each woman’s unique journey. Our mission is to create a safe environment for open dialogue and to empower women at VLK to reach their full potential and achieve their professional goals. Throughout the year, the VLK Women's network organizes various activities and events aimed at facilitating connections, providing inspiration for discussions, building knowledge and advancing the careers of women within Van Lanschot Kempen.

Young VLK
Young Van Lanschot Kempen (Young VLK) is a dedicated association that strives to foster a warm and inclusive environment for all young professionals under the age of 31 at Van Lanschot Kempen. The primary objective of Young VLK is to foster connections among young individuals within the organisation. This includes providing opportunities for knowledge sharing, strengthening social interactions, and supporting the development of a strong professional network.

VLK International
VLK International is dedicated to create a supportive community for international employees within Van Lanschot Kempen. The network aims to create an inclusive environment that helps international colleagues' enjoyable and seamless integration and networking opportunities. Our goal is to create an environment where professionals from diverse cultures and backgrounds can continually develop their potential and engage in mutual learning. 

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Our expertises
  • Equities
  • Investment Management
  • Private Banking
  • Corporate Finance

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