Van Lanschot Kempen Logo
Man and woman sitting on a couch in the office, engaged in conversation.


Be part of a team of committed professionals who know in detail about Van Lanschot Kempen's financial data. Our department uses that knowledge and their expertise to advise and support the organization. Interested? Take a look at our vacancies.

Working at Finance Reporting & Control

Finance Reporting & Control consists of several teams with dedicated professionals who each advise, support and guide the organization from their own expertise. All processes within the organization produce financial or fiscal  data. This data is received by the relevant teams through different systems and in various forms.

We translate all this data into readable information. The data is then analyzed and used to support the organization, to comply with legal obligations and/or to report to our internal stakeholders, such as the Management Board and/or external stakeholders and external stakeholders,  such as De Nederlandsche Bank and the Dutch Tax Authorities.
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Onwards together: Finance

In this episode, Loes van den Dries and Mahir Alioua discuss how it is to work in the Finance department.

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