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Tycho van Denderen

Meet Tycho

Meet Tycho van Denderen who holds the position of a Fiduciary Management Analyst at Van Lanschot Kempen. Continue reading to find out why he has a passion for financial markets, to gain insights into his experiences as a Fiduciary Management Analyst, and learn about the benefits of working at Van Lanschot Kempen.

What did you do before starting at Van Lanschot Kempen?
From a young age, I have been interested in the world of finance. I bought my first shares with all the money I had saved up until fourteen years old. I invested everything I had into Imtech (at the time I hadn’t heard of risk spreading yet), and after the share price rose by more than 20%, the company went bankrupt.

However, my interest in the financial markets remained, and losing my money as a fourteen-year-old boy motivated me to do more research into possible investment opportunities. This led me to my Finance and Econometrics Master at the University of Amsterdam, after which I started at Van Lanschot Kempen as an Analyst in 2021.

As an Analyst, I’m responsible for analysing market trends, evaluating asset classes and identifying investment opportunities. I use my knowledge and experience to advise clients on the best investment strategies for their specific needs and goals, and then on how they can optimally fill their portfolio.

How do you experience your role as an Fiduciary Management Analyst?
As Fiduciary Manager, I play an important role in managing the bank’s clients portfolios. My expertise is often called upon to answer questions about exposure to certain countries or sectors, but also for sustainability-related questions. For this reason, I need to have a good understanding of the financial markets and the current economic situation.

One of the nicest things about my job is the responsibility and independence that I get, meaning that I often go to clients on my own and that I am personally responsible for managing client portfolios.

What I also really enjoy is realising investment issues for new clients or prospects. As Fiduciary Manager, I play an important role in this as I need to translate the needs and objectives of the client into a suitable portfolio. This means I have to look at the expected return and risk of different investments and combine them into a portfolio that suits the client.

Types of customers for which both financial planning and portfolio construction play a crucial role are entrepreneurs who have sold their company. This is because these clients have to live off their assets and therefore need an asset manager. For these clients, I not only look at their needs and objectives, but also at what they expect to spend. Based on this, I propose a portfolio that generates sufficient returns to meet the needs of the client, but also takes the expected risk into account.

What is your experience in working for Van Lanschot Kempen and what stands out to you?
As an employee at Van Lanschot Kempen, you quickly gain a high degree of independence and responsibility, which is one of the many advantages of working here. This means that I get a lot of freedom to work independently and take ownership of my tasks and projects.

Another advantage of working at Van Lanschot Kempen is the non-hierarchical corporate culture. Everyone at the company is easily approachable for questions, and communication is very open. I believe that this contributes to a pleasant working environment in which employees feel safe to ask questions and share ideas. As I feel that my input is valued, my sense of involvement has also increased within the company.

Furthermore, working at Van Lanschot Kepmen also offers me the opportunity to develop myself. The company invests heavily in the development of its employees and regularly offers training and courses to increase the knowledge and skills that we have. While they also provide us with many opportunities to grow within the company and to further shape our careers.

Another advantage of working at Van Lanschot Kempen is the focus they have on sustainability. The company is committed to a sustainable future, and takes into account the impact on people, the environment and society when investing. For me, this contributes to a sense of commitment to the company.

Finally, working at Van Lanschot Kempen means that I get the opportunity to work with many interesting clients. I work with clients from different sectors and with different backgrounds, which gives me a broad view of the financial world. The bank’s customers are also among the most successful entrepreneurs in the Netherlands, people you don’t normally come into contact with. Conversations with these top entrepreneurs are very educational and what inspires me the most.

What is something you wish you knew before you started working in your role as Fiduciary Management Analyst?
What I definitely want to share is that you should ask yourself if you really are interested in financial markets if you are considering working in the financial sector. These markets are after all the guiding principle in everything you do on a daily basis. The financial world is also very complex, challenging and markets are constantly changing, that’s why it’s especially important to stay up to date on developments in the markets.

You will also have to deal with customers who entrust you with their money. This means that you should be able to gain the trust of customers and build a good relationship with them. In addition to knowledge and interest in the financial markets, communication skills and customer orientation are important. 
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