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Arif Saad | Co-head Investment Strategy, UK

Being brave, thinking nimble

I’m responsible for the investment proposition of our institutional clients in the UK. We focus on understanding their investment problems and coming up with solutions that most efficiently solve them. This means being innovative and nimble, taking advantage of opportunities and being brave.

I joined the company in 2020 in the midst of the pandemic, and while in some ways that was a tough time, I was impressed by the laser focus of the UK team to grow and be successful. As global markets were reeling from significant falls, we saw a chance to invest in opportunistic credit. Together with our Amsterdam colleagues, we recognised this as a once-in-a-decade opportunity to invest in that asset class, and delivered strong performance for our clients. Fast forward to 2022 with high inflation and fears of recession, and that opportunity has come around again. And because of the rigorous work we’ve done in the past, we’re well set to take advantage of the situation and dynamically allocate to benefit our clients.


I believe we’re unique as a UK fiduciary manager, supported by a pan-European wealth manager. This allows us to be truly entrepreneurial. We understand alternative perspectives on the investment world, both geographically and by investor type. And we have diverse thinking to support and benefit our clients. This breadth of experience really informs our ability to innovate.

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