We preserve and create wealth in a sustainable way for the benefit of future generations. Our purpose is to create sustainable value for all our stakeholders in a way that contributes to sustainable solutions to the most pressing global challenges.
We believe that wealth is not just about financial assets; essential as these may be, wealth is about all the things that we value in life. In a broader sense, wealth represents the collective wisdom of a society and the cultural norms and values that sustain it.
As a company, we believe that the generation of wealth – and its re-distribution through taxation – are critical to the process of creating and maintaining stable, successful societies. Given that societal cohesion necessitates wealth creation, we believe that wealth management cannot be the preserve of a few but is a necessity for all. We believe that if we - together with our stakeholders - contribute to a more sustainable world, everyone will benefit. We believe that preserving and growing capital in a sustainable way is a peoples job.